Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Well Past Half.

Sister K. Mason is doing wonderful in her area.  She loves being a missionary and teaching those around her what she loves!  Kels is well past half way done and will be a year out in November.  Time flies.. only sometimes.
This is little taste of what Kels has been experiencing in the Mission Field.  Enjoy! 

Did you know the skins of Mangos can cause people to have an allergic reaction.. Haha.  I love spicy food-the mission has converted me.  The spicier the better!  Indian spice, Mexican Spice- you name it I love it.  Last Monday I had a very HOT Lee's Sandwich, my lips broke out a little.  Then Tuesday a sister from our branch gave us a box of champagne mangos!!  I LOVE MANGOS.. but eating them right off the skin plus having chapped lips = Sister Mason with a swollen face all week!!  It was itchy, swollen, a bit miserable but gosh it was funny

Miracles have been happening.  Thursday we went contacting at 4 o'clock the same time (5 in Utah) that the Prophet and Apostles pray for missionary work around the world.  During that time we woke up a guy who was sleeping on the grass at the University.  We invited him to learn more, he said no, that he didn't believe in God, but that he would come to our church.  So Sunday came and he came in 20 minutes late.  He sat through an "interesting" testimony meeting and when the meeting was over I turned to him to ask him what he thought and he said, 'I think I need to be baptized so that I can have Jesus's help"... FAITH FAITH FAITH.. MIRACLES MIRACLES MIRACLES!!!