At district meeting last week Elder Thomas, the Zone Leader, said that as long as you are trying your hardest to reach all your goals you will find people to teach and your efforts will be magnified. Now, I know this idea has been shared with me before, but I actually put it into action this week and I can testify (look at me being all missionary-like) that it works. We reached nearly all of our goals and we saw blessings all week through our efforts.
For example:
Yesterday was the last day of the week and we still had 68 street contacts to get before dinner. (We have the goal of 150 contacts a week). Sunday was overcast and rainy and I was afraid that there would be no one on the streets- which had been the reason we weren't finished with our contacts yet. I prayed and fasted all day that we would be able to contact enough people to meet our goals. I am sure you can already anticipate where this is going, but we went to one street and as expected NO ONE was out. We did manage to get 11 people though and then decided to go to a different location up in Mountain View (the area of vineyards-very cute fancy places up that way, but people usually don't like to stop.) There were TONS of people! and even though most were in route from point A to B they at least took our pass-along cards. In 45 minutes we had contacted I think 82 people. Prayers work.
Sister Mason was pleased to be in contact with an amazing lady, Susan. She is very excited about the progress that Susan has shown! Susan will be baptized in four weeks and is striving to bring the spirit into her very Catholic home. Kelsie hopes that she can watch Susan go through the Temple before she comes home. Keslie was able to spend New Years Eve with some members from the ward. Brother and Sister Fitzpatrick was kind enough to let our missionary have a place to eat and celebrate such an event. Kelsie had a good time but is also looking forward to homemade Chinese Food come 2014.
Sister Mason has rebounded very well after having a homesick Christmas. We are proud of her and are praying for her success and comfort. Kelsie is blessing so many lives, but more then that she is being blessed by those she is teaching. We are so thankful to have a missionary. Kelsie is so thankful for your prayers and kind words. We hope you all had a Happy New Year!