Sister Kelsie Mason
2164 Monterey Ave.
Santa Clara, CA
March 25, 2013
Sister Kelsie had the opportunity to meet Jeffery R. Holland for the second time and made the statement:
" Elder Jeffery R. Holland has really SOFT hands. Like really soft. I loved hearing from him. I remember how I felt when I heard him in the MTC.....I swear that man of God is following me around (: Just kidding, but it makes me feel cool all the same!"
April 1, 2013
Our little missionary is so inspiring and is truly taking the missionary experience all in. She hasn't changed a bit when it comes to taking on challenges... Even if it is eating an EARTH WORM!! She is almost a third done. Wow. Look at the growth!
"I held the green hymn book up against my chest to try to muffle the sound of my heart beat. The congregation was smaller than I had anticipated, but gosh as I looked out into the room full of Saints my heart exploded. You know the parts in the scriptures when it says the words couldn't be recorded? That is how I feel."
'I teach people every day the powers of the Lord and about the closeness of heaven, but yesterday the realization of it all hit me. This work is so perfect and so prominent in our lives. Sleeping was impossible last night-instead I just laid there, looking up at the ceiling and trying to embrace the feeling of love and gratitude and astonishment that I was engulfed in."
"Everyday I have the opportunity to see people change and I love it. I love being a missionary. I do! I love my area."
" Funny note: I ate an earth worm on Saturday-haha...Yep, you read that right, and no a member didn't feed it to me. I was gardening (I LOVE GARDENING) for service with two sets of Elders. One of them found a worm and said, "Sister Mason I dare you to eat this." I said, "I will eat it but you have to go first." He swallowed it...and so since I am a woman of my word I too swallowed a worm. BLAH-it wiggled all the way down and I gagged a little bit, but now I can say that I ate a worm!"
Conference was a bitter-sweet for our Missionary! Watching the Brothern brought it close to home and caused Kelsie to be somewhat homesick. She has such a kind heart. Kelsie's Challenge: "Tell someone they are important TODAY."
"Conference was AMAZING! (Sunday Session made me a bit homesick though I will admit) I can't believe it has been six months since I was home watching conference with the family. No way could I pick a favorite message, but I have about ten pages of quotes in my journal that I have poured over for the last few hours. "
"This week or rather this weekend was kind of a rough one. We have people who are so ready to receive the gospel but dang Satan keeps getting in the way. It is so frustrating. When People fall it hurts. I feel so overwhelmed and I just want to see them succeed and I don't know what else I can do to help them. "
"Process, Progression, Patience, "P" words are my focus. I need to remember to have Patience with myself because becoming is a process to progression."
"Never forget you are important to the Lord." was the last text message we sent to a very special investigator before it was lights-out in our apartment (I honestly don't know how missionaries did it before text message.) The next morning our phone held a simple sad reply. "I don't think I am important." This broke my heart. If you haven't told someone that they are important today tell them as soon as you get done reading this. So many people go through life not knowing that they matter-not knowing that they are of worth. That is one major difference that I have noticed here serving in California."
"I loved Sister Dalton's talk when she said, "do well they part." Each of us have a part to play. Everyone is given an opportunity to serve-and it is wonderful. My companion, Sister Palmer, and I have been helping investigators and members recognize their importance in the sight of the Lord.
April 15. 2013
This is our determine missionary. Few words and lots of work! :)
"I love Sundays. I love the Sacrament. I look forward to it every week, It provides such a rejuvenation that I don't know how I would function without it.
I love this area! Things are going so well! So many people have been prepared to receive the gospel at this time. There is so much work for us to do."
Sister Mason is doing great. She is bringing our brothers and sisters to the truth. What a blessing and comfort it is to know that our sister, daughter, and friend is in the hands of the Lord! Kelsie loves this work and knows it is part of God's plan for her. Kelsie reminds us that we are all missionaries. "Tell someone they matter...Smile more... and love unconditionally." We can't wait to talk to our missionary on Mother's Day! :) We love you Kelsie!