Saturday, November 23, 2013

New Area Brings New Experiences

In Kelsie's words from her recent letters:  I am now by the beach every day.  I am serving in the Santa Cruz area.  It is very beautiful, but surprisingly very chilly.  When I look at the thermostat and it reads 62 degrees I feel like I should be just fine, however it feels like 47 or something.  I have become a wimp on my mission.  This area looks like the inside of a Hollister or Billabong store.  Everyone seems a little laid back and super casual.  I will now be serving in family wards.  I have never done that my entire mission.

I went to my first STL exchange.  It was a lot of fun.  I really didn't know what I was suppose to do, so I just followed.  I was serving with a sister who is in the Spanish program so half of our lessons were in Spanish.  I read the Joseph Smiths first Vision in Spanish.  I didn't do very well, but the people just smiled at me.

Similitude is something that I have been studying a lot recently.  God uses similitude so that we can learn and understand Him more.  For example He sent us here in families so we could learn the gospel, a righteous way of living and so that we could build relationships of love and come to understand the way he loves us.

I love being a missionary.  I miss all of you, but when I look at the calendar it makes me have a sense of urgency as my time is flying by very fast.  I have decided that I am going to serve the rest of my mission like I am "Always in the Middle" adjusted but not trunky to go home. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Well Past Half.

Sister K. Mason is doing wonderful in her area.  She loves being a missionary and teaching those around her what she loves!  Kels is well past half way done and will be a year out in November.  Time flies.. only sometimes.
This is little taste of what Kels has been experiencing in the Mission Field.  Enjoy! 

Did you know the skins of Mangos can cause people to have an allergic reaction.. Haha.  I love spicy food-the mission has converted me.  The spicier the better!  Indian spice, Mexican Spice- you name it I love it.  Last Monday I had a very HOT Lee's Sandwich, my lips broke out a little.  Then Tuesday a sister from our branch gave us a box of champagne mangos!!  I LOVE MANGOS.. but eating them right off the skin plus having chapped lips = Sister Mason with a swollen face all week!!  It was itchy, swollen, a bit miserable but gosh it was funny

Miracles have been happening.  Thursday we went contacting at 4 o'clock the same time (5 in Utah) that the Prophet and Apostles pray for missionary work around the world.  During that time we woke up a guy who was sleeping on the grass at the University.  We invited him to learn more, he said no, that he didn't believe in God, but that he would come to our church.  So Sunday came and he came in 20 minutes late.  He sat through an "interesting" testimony meeting and when the meeting was over I turned to him to ask him what he thought and he said, 'I think I need to be baptized so that I can have Jesus's help"... FAITH FAITH FAITH.. MIRACLES MIRACLES MIRACLES!!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

"A Sincere Desire"

Sister Kelsie Mason is doing great on her mission and is loving the work.  She writes,"Missionary work is something that I am never going to get sick of.  I will always want to be a missionary because there is so much joy in watching people find the hope and peace that comes from finding Christ.  I will never stop.  I will never change.  It will always be a sincere desire to me."

Kelsie received a new companion during this last transfer.  She is the only member in her family and has a very strong spirit about her.  She knows four different languages and is humble and full of love.  Kelsie has enjoyed training her and her companionship.

Kelsie recently had an interview with the Mission President.  He expressed to her how much he appreciated her work and asked her to help one of the branches 'get busy in the work'.  She states,"No pressure--right?"

Kelsie bears her testimony and states,"There is so much happiness in the gospel of Jesus Christ.  There is so much peace and hope if we just live the way that God has asked us to live.  The plan is perfect and we too can be perfect if we just follow Him."  She ends with this thought,"There is a difference between doing missionary work and being a missionary.  We as members of the church have been asked to be missionaries."

We are proud of Sister Mason and her service in the San Jose mission.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

New Scenery.

Mother's Day came with the great blessing of talking to our Sister missionary.  We had the opportunity to use Google+ which is a video conversation.  She looked great and appeared very positive. Kelsie took turns video talking with everyone in the family including the Nieces, Nephews, and Grandparent. We are thankful for technology and our ability to see our daughter, sister, granddaughter, and aunt.  Everyone enjoyed there time as I am sure Sister Kelsie did as well. 

Lucky us,  Kelsie also e-mailed the next day sending her love.  She explained how much she enjoyed the video conversation and informed us that she will only have one more call before she returns home.  Kelsie loves California and made the comment, "I think I am going to have culture shock when  I get back to Utah... because there aren't as many Nationalities there."  This is ironic because numerous times Kelsie has been asked if she is oriental.  :) 

Sister Mason informed us on Mother's Day she was being transferred.  She didn't know a lot of the details at the time, but is now there and settled.  Kelsie was transferred right into San Jose.  She is loving this new transfer thus far and feels "needed".  She is training and is the "Queen Bee" (over 3 sister missionaries).  

This transfer has brought a lot of success and has many baptisms in the future. Sister Kelsie is located very close to the San Jose State University and teaches investigators in the institute building.  She is very excited about this new area and the potential it has. 

Sister K. Mason new address is:

315 E San Fernando St. apt #22
San Jose, CA

We love you Sister Mason

Thursday, May 2, 2013

1/3 Done and Countless Growth!

The following paragraphs are from the last four emails from Sister Kelsie Mason.  This post is coming to you from sister Shaylie and mother Shannon.  Just to let you know she is doing great, and loves the work and people.  She is grateful to each of you and enjoys getting your letters and emails.  She can feel the love and concern and is very blessed while serving the Lord. Her currant address is:

                  Sister Kelsie Mason
                  2164 Monterey Ave.
                  Santa Clara, CA 

March 25, 2013
 Sister Kelsie had the opportunity to meet Jeffery R. Holland for the second time and made the statement: 

" Elder Jeffery R. Holland has really SOFT hands.  Like really soft. I loved hearing from him.  I remember how I felt when I heard him in the MTC.....I swear that man of God is following me around (: Just kidding, but it makes me feel cool all the same!" 
April 1, 2013
Our little missionary is so inspiring and is truly taking the missionary experience all in.  She hasn't changed a bit when it comes to taking on challenges... Even if it is eating an EARTH WORM!!  She is almost a third done.  Wow.  Look at the growth!

"I held the green hymn book up against my chest to try to muffle the sound of my heart beat.  The congregation was smaller than I had anticipated, but gosh as I looked out into the room full of Saints my heart exploded.  You know the parts in the scriptures when it says the words couldn't be recorded?  That is how I feel."

'I teach people every day the powers of the Lord and about the closeness of heaven, but yesterday the realization of it all hit me.  This work is so perfect and so prominent in our lives.  Sleeping was impossible last night-instead I just laid there, looking up at the ceiling and trying to embrace the feeling of love and gratitude and astonishment that I was engulfed in."

"Everyday I have the opportunity to see people change and I love it. I love being a missionary. I do! I love my area."

" Funny note: I ate an earth worm on Saturday-haha...Yep, you read that right, and no a member didn't feed it to me.  I was gardening (I LOVE GARDENING) for service with two sets of Elders.  One of them found a worm and said, "Sister Mason I dare you to eat this."  I said, "I will eat it but you have to go first."  He swallowed it...and so since I am a woman of my word I too swallowed a worm. BLAH-it wiggled all the way down and I gagged a little bit, but now I can say that I ate a worm!"

April 8, 2013
Conference was a bitter-sweet for our Missionary!  Watching the Brothern brought it close to home and caused Kelsie to be somewhat homesick.  She has such a kind heart.  Kelsie's Challenge: "Tell someone they are important TODAY."

"Conference was AMAZING! (Sunday Session made me a bit homesick though I will admit)  I can't believe it has been six months since I was home watching conference with the family.  No way could I pick a favorite message, but I have about ten pages of quotes in my journal that I have poured over for the last few hours. "

"This week or rather this weekend was kind of a rough one.  We have people who are so ready to receive the gospel but dang Satan keeps getting in the way.  It is so frustrating. When People fall it hurts.  I feel so overwhelmed and I just want to see them succeed and I don't know what else I can do to help them. "

"Process, Progression, Patience, "P" words are my focus.  I need to remember to have Patience with myself because becoming is a process to progression."

"Never forget you are important to the Lord." was the last text message we sent to a very special investigator before it was lights-out in our apartment (I honestly don't know how missionaries did it before text message.) The next morning our phone held a simple sad reply. "I don't think I am important." This broke my heart.  If you haven't told someone that they are important today tell them as soon as you get done reading this.  So many people go through life not knowing that they matter-not knowing that they are of worth.  That is one major difference that I have noticed here serving in California."

"I loved Sister Dalton's talk when she said, "do well they part."  Each of us have a part to play.  Everyone is given an opportunity to serve-and it is wonderful.  My companion, Sister Palmer, and I have been helping investigators and members recognize their importance in the sight of the Lord.

April 15. 2013
 This is our determine missionary.  Few words and lots of work! :)

"I love Sundays.  I love the Sacrament.  I look forward to it every week, It provides such a rejuvenation that I don't know how I would function without it. 
I love this area!  Things are going so well!  So many people have been prepared to receive the gospel at this time. There is so much work for us to do."

Sister Mason is doing great.  She is bringing our brothers and sisters to the truth.  What a blessing and comfort it is to know that our sister, daughter, and friend is in the hands of the Lord!  Kelsie loves this work and knows it is part of God's plan for her.  Kelsie reminds us that we are all missionaries.  "Tell someone they matter...Smile more... and love unconditionally."  We can't wait to talk to our missionary on Mother's Day!  :) We love you Kelsie!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Love is in the Air in Three Months Time.

On February 14, Kelsie hit her three month mark.  Everyday seemed like a hundred at first, but now the days are going by like seconds.  She states, "She now feels as if she is immersed in missionary work."  The highlight of those months was the baptism for Susan DeMedeiros on February 2, 2013.  Kelsie and Susan have a very special connection, which occurred since the first time they met.  Sister Mason describes Susan as forever friend.  She hopes that she will be able to go to the temple with her in a year.

Recently President and Sister Watkins invited a few missionaries to their home.  During the visit, they served them dinner, went sightseeing on the beach, shopped, and had a sleepover.  There were eleven sister missionaries and eight elders.  "It was so nice.  I didn't realize how much I had missed just socializing and relaxing with friends." stated Kelsie.  Kelsie has always been a social butterfly and would jump to the opportunity to have that interaction with great missionaries.  Sister Mason also mentions time and time again how much she loves and respects her mission president and his wife.  She would love to visit them after her mission and wants to continue to keep in touch with them.

Sorry Image is bad quality

Sister Kim, Kelsie's first companion, flies home to Korea on Wednesday, February 20.  Kelsie enjoyed having Kim as her missionary companion.  Kim will be missed.  Kelsie is excited to meet her new companion, and is anxious to find out if she will be a trainer.  Her mission President told her that there was an 80% chance that she would be training (which is very likely with a rush of new greenies coming in).  She is a little scared, but very excited to see what the Lord has planned for her.

Kelsie still lives with the little lady that they call, "Grandma".  She has Alzheimer's, and every night she asks Kelsie who she is, Kelsie tells her, and then Grandma kisses Kelsie goodnight and tells her that she loves her.  Sister Mason has such a loving and kind heart.  She is a blessing in Grandma's life and Grandma is a blessing in hers.  Kelsie loves "Grandma" too.

We are so proud of our Sister missionary.  She is fulfilling her role in life and is bringing those lost sheep to the fold!  Kelsie is enjoying the mission and knows that this is what the Lord had planned for her.  We love you Kels and are praying for you.  Thank you to all those who have our missionary in your hearts and prayers.  It is appreciated.  Kelsie loves you all and would love to hear from you.  If you need Kelsie's address, it is listed below:

Sister Kelsie Mason
2164 Monterey Ave.
Santa Clara, CA

Happy Valentine's Day!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Bring on the New Year

The New Year brings new outlooks on life not for only us, but for our little missionary! Sister Mason was pleased to announce that she has been having a wonderful time and the weeks are flying by! She stated that, "This is the last week of the transfer and after this I will NO LONGER be a GREENIE." Greenie (n.) A missionary new from the MTC. Kelsie shared this experience:

At district meeting last week Elder Thomas, the Zone Leader, said that as long as you are trying your hardest to reach all your goals you will find people to teach and your efforts will be magnified. Now, I know this idea has been shared with me before, but I actually put it into action this week and I can testify (look at me being all missionary-like) that it works. We reached nearly all of our goals and we saw blessings all week through our efforts.

For example:
Yesterday was the last day of the week and we still had 68 street contacts to get before dinner. (We have the goal of 150 contacts a week). Sunday was overcast and rainy and I was afraid that there would be no one on the streets- which had been the reason we weren't finished with our contacts yet. I prayed and fasted all day that we would be able to contact enough people to meet our goals. I am sure you can already anticipate where this is going, but we went to one street and as expected NO ONE was out. We did manage to get 11 people though and then decided to go to a different location up in Mountain View (the area of vineyards-very cute fancy places up that way, but people usually don't like to stop.) There were TONS of people! and even though most were in route from point A to B they at least took our pass-along cards. In 45 minutes we had contacted I think 82 people. Prayers work.

Sister Mason was pleased to be in contact with an amazing lady, Susan. She is very excited about the progress that Susan has shown! Susan will be baptized in four weeks and is striving to bring the spirit into her very Catholic home. Kelsie hopes that she can watch Susan go through the Temple before she comes home. Keslie was able to spend New Years Eve with some members from the ward. Brother and Sister Fitzpatrick was kind enough to let our missionary have a place to eat and celebrate such an event. Kelsie had a good time but is also looking forward to homemade Chinese Food come 2014.

Sister Mason has rebounded very well after having a homesick Christmas. We are proud of her and are praying for her success and comfort. Kelsie is blessing so many lives, but more then that she is being blessed by those she is teaching. We are so thankful to have a missionary. Kelsie is so thankful for your prayers and kind words. We hope you all had a Happy New Year!

Friday, January 4, 2013

A Merry Christmas!

When Kelsie was first called to the San Jose mission, she was well informed that it was a "Service Pilot" misson.  Which means that she will be participating in a lot of service projects.  On average, they do ten hours of service a week.  This past service project, the zone arranged to clear branches from a mountainside.  Little did they know, it was filled with poison oak.  The whole zone got infected and blistered.  One Elder had to get steroid shots, some had to take a steroid medicine, and the rest received a topical cream.  On Christmas Kelsie's arms were so swollen, she couldn't get her sweater off.

Kelsie is currently in Santa Clara, California.  Sister Kim and herself lives with an older member, and refer to her as "Grandma".  Just like all Grandmas, She had a solution for Kelsie's case.  Kelsie loaded up on Vitamin E and is doing much better.  Instead of her blisters oozing, they are now hard and flaky.  The itch comes and goes, but she is on the rebound!

For Christmas we had the opportunity to Skype with Sister Mason.  She was a little emotional as it would be seeing everyone on such a "Family-based" holiday.  But Kelsie is very strong and knows that she is there to do the Lord's work and to bless those in the San Jose mission.  Just a week after Christmas, Mama Shannon (Kelsie's Mom), received an email from a lady that had the chance to be with our little missionary. This is the e-mail:

I am Beth Ball here in Sunnyvale, CA. I just spent a very nice evening with Sister Mason and Sister Kim and thought I would email you a picture and hello from her. We just went up to the Oakland Temple tonight with Susan DeMedeiros (their investigator) along with Alyssa Lunny from our ward. Susan is set to be baptized on February 2nd. Your daughter has been a real blessing in helping in this conversation process.
Susan has had a very special connection with Sister Mason. Susan once said that when she listens to Sister Mason it is like listening to an angel. The VERY first day Sister Mason was here from the MTC, Susan was her first discussion that night. During a part of the discussion, Susan had said that she was still struggling with gaining a testimony of Joseph Smith. Sister Mason boldly asked Susan if she would pray about it--right now. So we all got on our knees right there and Susan prayed (I think that was her first public prayer) and fervently prayed and asked. We all quietly stayed there on our knees for several seconds after. Then Sister Mason asked "what are you feeling?" Susan answered "I feel very peaceful." I knew that we had a special missionary here. You should be very proud. What a blessing she must be to you. She is doing a GREAT job.
I also feel a special connection with your daughter. She went into the MTC on the very same day as my daughter: November 14th. Knowing that she was there with my daughter is a very special thought to me. My daughter is still there learning Spanish. When I told her that Sister Mason had Susan get down and pray about Joseph Smith, she emailed back "Sister Mason immediately put into action exactly what they teach us in the MTC. Good for her!"
Know that your daughter is well and doing good work. She is an excellent missionary and we all love and appreciate her here. Thank you for preparing her and sending her to us. Susan has been accepting the gospel as a result of the inspired teaching from Sister Mason and Sister Kim.

Merry Christmas!
 Beth Ball

Attached with the email was this picture of Sister Kim, Beth, and Sister Mason.  We are so proud of our missionary and the progress she is making!  Her testimony is growing and she is truly doing the Lord's work.  Kelsie is very thankful for all those that sent their love this Christmas Season.  She knows that she has a lot of support back home!  Thank you to all that have helped Kelsie and our family!  Happy New Year!